Alta CA Botanicals Pain Relieving THC-A Tincture

This tincture is new product and we do not have much feedback from patients. The following is from the companies website.
What are the benefits? THCA is highly effective as an anti-inflammatory and it also has anti-proliferative (inhibiting the growth of tumors and cancer cells) and anti-spasmodic and -convulsant (suppressing muscle spasms and seizures) properties. In addition, it stimulates healing and regrowth of bone and blocks the emotional response to pain. And it does all of this without the added “high” effect of THC, making it a great natural product to use for children and any adults who do not want this psychoactive effect. Our studies have found THCA to be as much as 4x as effective as CBD for pain management and reducing inflammation. There are beneficial synergistic effects when THCA is used in combination with other cannabinoids, such as THC, CBD and CBG.