Chill Bar Caramel High CBD - Double Strength Caramel Dark Chocolate Candy Bar


Chill Bars are awesome.  First thing you'll notice is the incredible packaging.  This company is professional at every level and truely produces a superier product.  All nutritional information in on the box.  You can taste a bit of the medicine but the chocolate is delicious.  The CBD bar contains 60mg each of CBD and THC.  CBD is non pyscoactive but can produce a very relaxing, stress relieving effect.   Those who are not used to medical marijuana edibles should proceed with caution.  I would suggest eating about a dime to nickle size piece and wait a couple hours to see how it effects you.  The most common dose is probably around a 1/3 of a bar for most people.  We have a few patients that will consume a full bar for maximum relief, but please, increase your dosage gradually.